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Showing posts from February, 2016

Better food for better sleep

Now-a-days everything has changed in our way of living. Life became more busy and stressful. We automatically left  our healthy habits and small joys behind. Because of this busy life, we are facing Problems like tiredness, irritation, head-ache, back-ache and snappy. We think these are negotiable things and the solution for all these problems we think is second cup of coffee. Right?  All these could be signs of sleep deprivation. It has been found that lack of a day of sleep can bring the productivity of a person down by thirty percent. In this busy fourteen hour work shifts and increased stressful life, the first casualty is sleep. Adding to this , our intaking of unhealthy diet  is leading us to the condition of Insomnia. The words “early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise”  holds true here. It has been proved that the hormone melatonin is essential for a good night’s sleep. The hormone is mostly produced after sunset and remain high for up